Last Sunday we had May Mays Christening which was so much fun and an absolute success. I haven’t been to a function like this before, not since I was a baby. May May had a really good time dancing and singing to the hymns in the church. But when the time came for the holy water to touch her, May May got a bit tearful, but we still managed to get it done. In that moment I couldn’t have been prouder, standing in front of all the witnesses and reading the declarations. It made me think about May Mays birth and how far we have come from then to now; having May May in my arms to seeing her welcomed into the house of God. Once we had completed the service, the next event was the reception. As soon as the music started, May May couldn’t not wait to start dancing. She took over the dance floor and she didn’t even care. Everyone at the venue couldn’t take their eyes off May May and it was like she was in a bubble where it was just her and the music. May May has always been a musical chil...
2 Parents. 2 Princesses. 1 Story