The minute lockdown began I could sense that things were not going to be the same as before. May May also possibly sensed this and we were thrust into a situation where we were unable to go out to play gyms as usual and see people. But it was a opportunity to have a hands on effect on our children’s development, such as doing more arts and crafts with May May, teaching her the alphabet using her favourite book from The StoryTime Lab daily to help with her speech. Zenayah has developed so much and started to roll onto her tummy as soon as you place her on her back! Thankfully the weather has been really good and we've been able to go out in the garden, go for walks, play with the bubble machine and have a kickabout as well. May May loves our kickabouts and the way she strikes the ball has surprised me due to the level of technique she has. I think I may have to get her into football training! At times Lockdown has been hard especially when every day feels the same and I have...
2 Parents. 2 Princesses. 1 Story