This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Charlotte Heathcote, owner of the fabulous company Individual2You
Charlotte sells some wonderful products that you can see pictured below. Charlotte is a mumpreneur too and wanted to hear her journey.

What inspired you to start a business?
In March 2017 i suffered from an Eptopic pregnancy which caused me to have emergency surgery. After my surgery and recovery as a family we decided that it would be best for us, for me to find a way to work from home - hence the start of Individual2you
If you could speak to your younger self, just starting out, what advice would you give her?
Pay attention in school, i never really knew what i wanted to do when i left school - i worked in Administration for a large manufacturing company for 13 years and was never truly happy in my job. Had i known what i know now years ago i would of had no doubt i would make the right decision.
Who inspires you (alive or not) and why?
Plain and simple - my husband. Had if not been for his support i wouldn't be where i am today
Was there a time you wanted to quit? And how did you deal with that situation or overcome it?
There has been many days when i have felt like quitting , just like in any job. After a bad day of low sales or no engagement from customers its natural to question if you are doing the right thing but the good days out weight the bad.
Favorite thing about being an owner?
My favorite thing about being a business owner is the ability to be flexible. After being a single working mum for many years i struggled to attend sports days , school shows etc. Now i am able to plan my work around events which over the years i have missed out on.
What's the dream? What's the end goal?
The dream and end goal is to be able to run a profitable and successful business, to add more and more products over the years and help support other small businesses by listing their products on our website.
Biggest regret if any?
Currently the only regret i have is that i didn't get the chance to do it sooner
What an inspiration! Charlotte took a difficult, and quite a scary situation, and turned it into a wonderful business. Thank you for this interview.
-x- Michaela -x-
Charlotte sells some wonderful products that you can see pictured below. Charlotte is a mumpreneur too and wanted to hear her journey.

What inspired you to start a business?
In March 2017 i suffered from an Eptopic pregnancy which caused me to have emergency surgery. After my surgery and recovery as a family we decided that it would be best for us, for me to find a way to work from home - hence the start of Individual2you
If you could speak to your younger self, just starting out, what advice would you give her?
Pay attention in school, i never really knew what i wanted to do when i left school - i worked in Administration for a large manufacturing company for 13 years and was never truly happy in my job. Had i known what i know now years ago i would of had no doubt i would make the right decision.
Who inspires you (alive or not) and why?
Plain and simple - my husband. Had if not been for his support i wouldn't be where i am today
Was there a time you wanted to quit? And how did you deal with that situation or overcome it?
There has been many days when i have felt like quitting , just like in any job. After a bad day of low sales or no engagement from customers its natural to question if you are doing the right thing but the good days out weight the bad.
Favorite thing about being an owner?
My favorite thing about being a business owner is the ability to be flexible. After being a single working mum for many years i struggled to attend sports days , school shows etc. Now i am able to plan my work around events which over the years i have missed out on.
What's the dream? What's the end goal?
The dream and end goal is to be able to run a profitable and successful business, to add more and more products over the years and help support other small businesses by listing their products on our website.
Biggest regret if any?
Currently the only regret i have is that i didn't get the chance to do it sooner
What an inspiration! Charlotte took a difficult, and quite a scary situation, and turned it into a wonderful business. Thank you for this interview.
-x- Michaela -x-
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